Friday, February 3, 2012

Create More Income Online by Writing More Content

I have been reminded in the past few weeks about how important it is to keep writing new content to increase my online income.  About 18 months ago, I wrote a short post on Snipsly, which hadn't really received much traffic at all, and certainly not any adsense revenue until now.  (Snipsly is a free adsense revenue sharing website that shares a whopping 80% of the adsense impressions with you, the writer.)  Now, all of a sudden, within the last few week, it's getting traffic almost every day and earning Google Adsense earnings almost every day.  This is after a year and a half of nothing.

Which is both encouraging and frustrating at the same time.  It's encouraging because you just never know when one of your articles will all of a sudden start getting traffic and earning you money.  But that is also very frustrating because you write every article with the best intentions, yet sometimes it feels like earning money from your writing can be very "hit" or "miss".

I must say that when I wrote this article back then, I was just starting out and didn't know what to write about, nor did I know anything about keyword research, or SEO.  I just wrote mainly to get my links out there on the web.  Since then, my articles are much more productive, especially my Squidoo lenses, which are now earning me more than $1000 per month, and climbing.

But it just goes to show you that the more you write, the more opportunity you have to earn income online, whether it is via Google Adsense, affiliate links, or sales of your own products.  But just as I mentioned in my previous post, there are certain things you need to think about and do before you start a new website, or create any content online for that matter.  And as always, be original, unique, and write good quality content.

I have focused my efforts in the last 6 months on writing on Squidoo, which is now produced a decent income for me (about $1000 per month), and now I feel I should start developing more articles in some other places, like Hubpages and Wizzley, both of which offer the possibly of earning from your writing from Google Adsense, Amazon products commissions, and eBay product commissions.  Hubpages also has it's own ad program which you can earn money based on impressions.

I have only written about 18 hubs on Hubpages, and all of them were before I really knew anything about keyword research or SEO.  But I've been earning around $8 per month from the Hubpages Ad program, which is pretty good considering I didn't write for topics that get a lot of traffic.  Right now, my Hubpage only get about 1350 page views per month.  As I typing this, I'm actually encouraged at how much I could possibly earn from the Hubpages Ad program alone if I were to get 80,000 page views per month like I do from my Squidoo pages.  On Squidoo I've made about 175 pages, but most of my income comes from commissions from Amazon and eBay sales.  My ad revenue split portion is only around $275 per month.  If you calculate that out per pageview, the ad revenue portion is about $0.0034 of ad revenue per pageview on Squidoo.  On Hubpages it's quite a bit higher at $0.0059 per pageview.

But of course, the question then becomes...Can I get the same kind of traffic to my Hubpages with the same amount of work as I put into Squidoo.  Will a similar quality article on the same topic rank higher and get more traffic from Squidoo or Hubpages?  I don't know.  I guess I'll need to write 150+ more hubs to find out.  Then I'll have the same number of Squidoo lenses and Hubpages.  The same questions can be asked about Wizzley.

On Wizzley, I joined and made my initial page, then have only been back to make one other page.  However, my 2nd page I researched keywords and I've already had some good traffic to it.  Which is very encouraging.  Wizzley takes the best of both Hubpages and Squidoo and incorporates similar things on their website.  The editing of the template is very similar to Hubpages, which I need to get a little more used to since I've been spending all my time over at Squidoo.

I hate to stop making new Squidoo pages, as I feel like I've finally cracked the code and learned what works for me and what doesn't.  A part of me wants to just keep churning out lenses over there, which would be the most profitable thing to do in the short term.  But my point of writing articles elsewhere is to diversify my risk of my online income.  I don't want all my eggs in one basket.  Since Squidoo is now bringing in at least 50% of my online income I think I need to bump up some of my other income sources.

Earn Money Writing Online at Wizzley
Join Me and Earn Money Writing on Wizzley

Join Hubpages HERE

Join Squidoo HERE

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